Punctuation Poems

Punctuation Poems

O! Most Excellent Exclamation! O! Most Excellent Exclamation! Mark ofExultantExhilaration! ExoticExcitement!ExuberantEcstasy! ExpressingExaltingExtraordinaryExtremity! You Exceed!You Excel! You Extol!You Exhort! Your Exceptional Exaggeration exhausts me. My...
The Arms of the World

The Arms of the World

There is a place I goHigh on a cliffFringed by wind-buffeted shrubsStalwart and stunted They mask the viewUntil passing, pantingthrough themI find myselfon the very edge of the void Where I cry out Because the blue, the blue The Blue reaches all at oncearound me and...

The Humming of My Blood

(run time approx. 75 minutes) Synopsis: The Humming of My Blood takes as its premise the intriguing true story of the birth of Nicaraguan Sign Language. This language was invented and refined by successive waves of deaf Nicaraguan children in the 1980s, when the first...